Our Mission

We offer marine mobility solutions focused on improving the sustainability of the nautical sector, with special emphasis on the use of materials and processes that reduce the ecological footprint throughout the lifecycle of the product.

We design products for whose life cycle (conception, manufacturing, use and disposal-scrapping) we pursue the reduction of the intensity of use of materials and energy, the minimization of waste produced and the toxicity of the elements used.

We incorporate, in a continuous way, innovative partners, processes and materials that comply with the exposed requirements.

We design and manage boat construction projects with hybrid and / or electric propulsion.

We design and carry out boat reconversion projects, with special emphasis on hybrid and / or electric motorization initiatives for new or used boats

We do purchase, rent and / or manage our own or third party vessels, with or without crew.

We promote boat management using the formula of 'Navigation by subscription.'

Representation, distribution and sale of materials and equipment of innovative brands linked to the construction of vessels with low environmental impact.

Carrying out crowdfunding campaigns to finance innovative initiatives in sustainable nautical mobility.

Carrying out activities to publicize the environmental, economic and social benefits of electric navigation and, in general, navigation with low consumption of resources.